Week 1: Notes from the Field
ProLiteracy in El Salvador, June 2010 Dean Curtis, Founder of Interweave Solutions, did an in-depth training that he calls the 6Ps of Business (Plan, Product, Process, Promotion, Price, and Paperwork). The information targets ways participants canimprove their businesses, and they dove right into creating growth plans for their businesses, home life/family, and community. Most had run their own businesses, but they didn't exactly know where they stood with capital or how they would apply their FINCA loan to actually grow the business. Now they know! Our visits to village banks gave us the chance to meet women who face poverty, gang violence, and lack of education every day. They shared their goals and what they want to learn together (sewing and baking cakes) and started making plans on how they could open a learning center for the community. Another community, Distrito de Italia, faces similar problems with gang violence. Many people in the community live in fear. Crime in El Salv...